WOMAN by John Lennon, Yoko Ono
For the other half of the sky
Woman, I can hardly express
My mixed emotions at my thoughtlessness
After all I'm forever in your debt
And woman, I will try express
My inner feeling and thankfulness
For showing me the meaning of success
Ooo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo, well, well
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo
Ooo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo, well, well
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo
Woman, I know you understand
The little child inside the man
Please remember my life is in your hands
And woman, hold me close to your heart
However distant don't keep us apart
After all it is written in the stars
Ooo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo, well,
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo
Ooo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo, well, well
Ooh-ooh, well-well
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Ooh-ooh, well-well
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Please let me explain
I never meant to cause you sorrow or pain
So let me tell you again and again and again
I love you, yeah-yeah
Now and forever
I love you, yeah-yeah
Now and forever
I love you, yeah-yeah
Now and forever
I love you, yeah-yeah
Now and forever
thoughtlessness n /ˈθɔːtləsnɪs/ desconsideración nf
thoughtlessness n (carelessness)
inconsciencia nf
Your thoughtlessness has cost this company a lot of
money; you're fired!
thoughtless adj /ˈθɔːtləs/ (person: inconsiderate)= Not thinking about other people; showing no thought, care or consideration; inconsiderate (desconsiderado/a adj)
ü Ricky is
so thoughtless; he never cares about others' feelings. Ricky es tan desconsiderado; a él nunca le importan los sentimientos de los
thoughtless adj (remark: tactless) desconsiderado/a adj / irreflexivo/a adj inconsciente adj
ü Mentioning
Eleanor's divorce in front of all those people was thoughtless. Fue
desconsiderado mencionar el divorcio de Eleanor frente a tanta gente.
thankfulness n /ˈθæŋk.fəl.nəs/ (gratefulness) = the feeling of being happy or grateful because of something (gratitud nf/agradecimiento)
Mark showed his thankfulness by taking us all
out to dinner.
Thankful adjective /ˈθæŋk·fəl/ = pleased or grateful about something / grateful and happy (agradecido,
We were thankful that none of the children saw the accident.
I am so thankful for my family’s support.
ü We have cause to be pleased
and thankful
NOUNS ENDING IN –ness Friday July 29th 2016
Question.- What does
"-ness" mean at the end of an adjective?
Answer.- When you add
"-ness" to an adjective, it becomes a noun.
The suffix
"-ness" means "state : condition : quality" and is used
with an adjective to say something about the state, condition, or quality of
being that adjective.
For example,
redness is a red quality, and redness means
"the quality of being red."
- The redness in his eyes went
away after he got some sleep.
bitterness is a bitter condition, or "the condition of
being bitter."
- The breakup caused them to feel anger and bitterness.
sleepiness means "the condition of being sleepy."
- Her sleepiness made it difficult
for her to pay attention in class.
weightlessness is a weightless quality. (ingravidez, ligereza=ligero de peso)
- She was happy about the weightlessness of
her new luggage.
inquisitiveness (curiosidad)means "the state of being
inquisitive (curioso)."
- The inquisitiveness of the puppy
caused him to get into trouble sometimes.
bashfulness means "the state of being bashful (tímido)." Friendliness means
"the state of being friendly."
- The bashfulness of the new
student soon became friendliness.
Not all adjectives
can be made into nouns using "-ness."
Typically, if an adjective is in its -er or -est form, "-ness"
cannot be added: higher and highest cannot
become higherness or highestness.
Typically, if an adjective is actually a participle of a verb,
"-ness" cannot be added: washed and running
cannot become washedness or runningness.
Most other adjectives, however can be made into nouns by adding
Suffix '-ness': Adjective to Noun
There are lots of
adjectives in English that we can convert into nouns by using 'ness'. A noun
ending in 'ness' literally means the state of the original adjective.
For example, hungriness
means ‘the state of being hungry. Below are ten sentences which require a noun
ending in 'ness'.
Look at the adjectives
below and guess which one goes in each sentence. Then add 'ness' and change
spelling when needed. Good luck!
Root Nouns
Happy Tidy |
Weak Soft |
Open Aware |
Mild Nervous |
Forgetful Tired |
Complete the following
sentences with the correct missing noun, remember to add -ness:
1. __________________ is really important for your health, you
should smile more.
2. ________________ is a real problem in my classroom. My students
never remember their homework.
3. _______________ is so important to my boyfriend. If the
room is messy he gets really angry.
4. I have such a _________________for chocolate.
5. The ____________ of the baby’s skin amazed me.
6. _______________ of where your team members are when you’re
playing a sport is really important.
7. ______________________ is taking over my life. I’m exhausted all
the time.
8. ______________________ is really important for a strong
relationship, you can’t have too many secrets.
9. I have a real problem with
___________________ every time I take my driving test.
10. The ________________ of our products is guaranteed to make sure your
skin stays safe.
happiness noun /ˈhæp·i·nəs/ = the feeling of
being happy (felicidad)
/ the state or feeling of
being happy (felicidad)
ü My kids’ happiness is my priority. La felicidad de mis hijos
es mi prioridad.
ü a day filled with
happiness un día
lleno de felicidad
forgetfulness noun /fərˈɡɛtfəlnɪs/ = olvido
ü She was embarrassed by
her forgetfulness. Estaba
avergonzada por su olvido.
tidiness noun /ˈtaɪdinɪs/ = limpieza / orden
ü the
tidiness of her desk la limpieza de su
weakness noun /ˈwiːk·nəs/ = a lack of strength or power (debilidad)
for help is not a sign of weakness.
= a part or quality of
something or someone that is not good (debilidad)
are your weaknesses as a manager?
= sth that makes you likely to fail (debilidad)
ü his
strengths and weaknesses as a player sus fortalezas y
debilidades como jugador
ü She had a weakness for alcohol. Ella tenía una debilidad
por el alcohol.
= the state of
being weak (debilidad)
ü weakness
and fatigue debilidad y fatiga
ü the
weakness of the country’s currency la debilidad de la moneda
del país
softness noun /ˈsɒft·nəs/ = the quality of
being soft (suavidad, blandura)
awareness noun /əˈweə·nəs/ = the mental state of knowing about
something (conciencia)
awareness is increasing all
the time.
tiredness noun /ˈtaɪəd·nəs/ = the feeling of
being tired (cansancio, fatiga)
was suffering from extreme tiredness.
openness noun /ˈəʊ.pən.nəs/ = honesty (franqueza,
these discussions are
to succeed, we’ll need openness from/on
both sides.
= willingness to be honest and direct (trasparencia,
ü Her
openness was surprising. Su
franqueza fue sorprendente.
nervousness noun
/ˈnɜrvəsnɪs/ = nerviosismo
ü my nervousness as
the wedding date approachedmi
nerviosismo al acercarse la fecha de la boda
mildness noun = suavidad, apacibilidad, levedad
mild adjective /maɪld/
= If
the weather in winter is
mild, it is not cold. (templado)
= Mild food does
not have a strong taste. (suave)
ü a
mild curry
Forming words with the suffixes -ness and -ity